Apple on Monday launched the much anticipated mixed reality” headset. According to Apple, the gadget, called Vision Pro, will be available “early 2024″.
The Vision Pro will cost $3,499, which is more than three times the price of Meta’s most expensive mixed and virtual reality headset.
According to Apple, the device features a new chip called R1 that will interpret information from its sensors in less time than the blink of an eye.
Users of the Vision Pro will be able to pick content inside the goggles with their eyes, tap their fingers together to click, and gently flick to navigate, while simultaneously capturing films and photographs that can be watched in 3D later.
When a user is fully absorbed in a virtual environment, the outer screen becomes dark.
When a person approaches a user who is fully immersed in virtual reality, the headset will reveal both the user and the outsider to each other, an augmented reality advancement over Meta’s product.
“It’s the first Apple product you look through, not at,” Apple CEO Tim Cook remarked.
The Vision Pro can be used for two hours with an extra battery, which Apple claims will minimise the weight on the user’s head.
However, the device must be plugged into the wall or battery pack and cannot be used independently.
Apple stated that it has been working with Adobe, Microsoft, and Unity, a technology company that deals with game creators, to get their apps on the new headgear.
Walt Disney’s Disney+ streaming service, as well as Apple TV+’s selection of films and TV episodes, will be available on the Vision Pro.
Apple also unveiled a slew of new products and features at its annual developer conference, including a 15-inch MacBook Air, a powerful chip called M2 Ultra, updates to its iOS software, and a long-awaited fix to prevent autocorrect from annoyingly changing a common expletive to “ducking.”